Student Services assists students and their families with:
Each student in grade 9-12 should meet with one of the school counsellors to set up a grad plan. In order to graduate in Saskatchewan, students need 24 credits. Fifteen of the credits are compulsory and nine of the credits are electives. Academic Advisors teach students about credits and work with them to create a grad plan which leads to graduation.
Each student will need a plan after high school. These plans may be university, technical and trade schools, work, travel etc. Academic Advisors explore future options with students. Here, students can learn how to apply for post-secondary, order transcripts, apply for scholarships or create a resume. Each class in a student’s timetable should be connected to their graduation and/or transition plan.
III. Outside Agencies
- Addictions/Mental Health PAPHR – Troy Pelletier
- Public Health School Health Services